As part of its expansion strategy Dimension has entered into a strategic partnership with Porta Advisors.

Porta Advisors is an independent advisory boutique domiciled in Zurich that offers corporate and financial advisory services to financial institutions, family offices and corporates.

Porta Advisors benefits from a strong foothold in the German-speaking part of Switzerland but also internationally thanks to an established network of international advisors that reinforce and complement its market and industry coverage.

Both Beat Wittmann, Partner and Chairman and Daniel Kornmann, Partner and Vice-Chairman of Porta advisors will act as Senior Advisors for Dimension, bringing their network and knowledge in the Swiss German-speaking Switzerland.

They will support Dimension in expanding its mergers and acquisitions activities in this part of Switzerland, by establishing a local team in Zurich dedicated to serving Dimension’s and Porta Advisors’ clients.

As part of this partnership, Dimension will be the exclusive partner of Porta Advisors to execute M&A transactions in Switzerland.

Dimension SA est une société spécialisée dans la conduite d’opérations de vente, d’acquisition et d’évaluation d’entreprises depuis 1994. Acteur reconnu des Fusions et Acquisitions en Suisse, Dimension SA est l’interlocuteur privilégié des chefs d’entreprises et des entrepreneurs pour analyser le potentiel de valorisation de leurs sociétés et réaliser des opérations de transmission d’entreprises. La société, basée à Lausanne, Genève et Zürich, fait partie du groupe BCGE depuis 2015.

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– 021 317 52 10
Genève – 022 809 33 14
Zurich – 044 419 21 64

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Dimension SA, fondée en 1994,
est une filiale du groupe BCGE.